DOOM 3 (2004)
In Collection

My Rating:

Publisher Activision
Developer id Software, Inc.
Series Doom

id Software's terrifying battle with the forces of Hell. A massive demonic invasion has overwhelmed the UAC's Mars Research Facility leaving only chaos and horror in its wake. As one of only a few survivors, players must struggle with shock, fear, and an all-out assault on their senses as they fight their way to Hell and back, in an epic clash against pure evil.

This was a terrible sequel not worth the wait by any means. The graphics were ok, the interactivitiy of the gameworld was terrible for the time, the story was weak, the controls were poor. The only good thing about the game were the creepy sound effects.
Product Details
Format CD-Rom
No. of Disks 1
Multiplayer Support Internet, LAN
Devices Mouse
Language English
Audience Rating Mature
Personal Details
Links DOOM 3 at Game Collector Connect