The Adventures of Captain Comic (1991)
In Collection

My Rating:

Publisher Data East USA, Inc.
Developer Data East Corp.

"You are Captain Comic, galactic hero. Your mission is to recover three treasures from the planet Omsoc, which have been stolen away and hidden on the remote planet of Tambi."

Captain Comic is a solid platformer featuring a huge nonlinear playfield divided into several different terrains. As Comic, you must search throughout Tambi for powerups and items that will aid you in your quest to recover the three treasures. The Captain's main weapon is 'Blastola Cola', a can of drink that allows him to hurl fireballs at his foes. For each can that he finds, an addtional fireball can be thrown.

There are many different paths that are available from the start, but without the right item or weapon, it can be impossible to progress through certain paths, or even suicide. It's up to the player to decide the correct route to take, and which places to return to at a later time.
Product Details
Format Cartridge
Nr of Disks 1
Language English
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links The Adventures of Captain Comic at Game Collector Connect