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Better living through chemistry"? Not for four employees at MegaVitamin
Pharmaceuticals, who -- through a mixup in the company cafeteria -- ingested
a contaminated sample of Megavitamins. Within 24 hours, Larry, George, Ralph,
and Lizzie had transmorgrified into giant animals, wrecking havoc and major
property damage throughout the United States. Worse, a rumor is now around
that an unnamed lab technician can develop an antidote for the disease, but
is hiding this information to extract extortion from the government...

RAMPAGE for the Atari Lynx is a conversion of the Bally/Midway game from
a few years back. You play one of four monsters (one more than the original),
who travel from city to city, smashing skyscrapers, pounding cars, breaking
bridges, and eating fruits/humans/vegetables/humans/meat/HUMANS. You and
your friends can collectively wreck havoc, or clobber each other, depending
on your inclination. As you jump and climb your way through the city, the
screen scrolls to show you the action immediately around your monster.

Along the way, you encounter the evil forces of the United States Army,
who throw soldiers, tanks, helicopters, and bombs at your 60-foot-tall self.
You can smash them, too, but they are many and you are few, so you've got to
keep yourself alive while tearing the town apart. Destroy all the buildings
in a city and you move to the next, thus effectively roaming the country. If
you survive long enough, you may be able to find the mysterious lab
technician who can restore you to your former self.
Product Details
Format Cartridge
Nr of Disks 1
Language English
Personal Details
Purchase Price $0.00
Current Value $0.00
Links Rampage at Game Collector Connect